Bristol   -   The      Whole   Experience

Well if you have been to other pages on my web site, you know that Bristol is my favorite track. I had wanted to go to a NASCAR race there since I was a small child. Now I'm a season ticket holder at BMS so I am lucky enough to be able to attend both the Spring and Fall races. They are MY vacation each year. The rest of my family considers our trips to Gaitlinburgh THEIR vacation...LOL

Bristol Link

Bristol Info:Click here for information on Bristol Motor Speedway

As a matter of fact, due to the lack of hotels avaliable in the area, I even went into debt and bought a used RV to attend the races. For those of you who haven't experienced a race this way, rent one and try it!!!!! As those of us who have experienced it will tell you its the ONLY way to go!!!!

Right Mis, Dreamer, Judi, Barb and Ron???? (Ohhh the stories we could tell......)

Anyway since I have a web page now, I thought I'd like to share some of the experience with y'all. So pull up a chair.. grab a favorite beverage and get ready to enjoy.

Have fun.. Oh along with seeing some of the drivers, cars, wrecks etc.. you might get a few glimpes of some crazy friends of mine who were brave enough to join me in the "Total Bristol Experience" Which includes not only the race but the "campground crazyness as well".

Pictures from Pit Road

This was the first time I was actually close enough to get pictures from pit road. My seats are between turns 3 and 4 which give GREAT pictures of wrecks usually, but no chance to get pit road pictures. Well on Pole day.. they make everyone sit along the front staightaway so it looks better for TV so I was able to get some pretty good pics.. and I loved getting this close ok?? So humor me..

Yeah, I know., but come on.. did you really expect me to start out with someone else????

If you look close you can see Jeff sitting on the wall.. he had been out eariler cutting up with Bobby Labonte but I was too lazy to run down all the steps and get a picture of him then...

Relax... those are all the Jeff pictures... for now..(hehehehehehehe) here are some others I took from pit road....

Here's Dale and Skinner on Pit Road

Here's DJ, Skinner and Mark on pit road

Wawd (Ward Burton for those of you that don't speak hick) on Pit Road. For those of you who don't know Wawd drives the 22 Caterpillar car.. and yes he is not the only one in this picture I know..but.....ok ok its the drives me wild... and he is doing really well this year...

Here's some more pit road pictures

ok yes.. I did use up almost a whole roll of film just on pit road... I was excited ok???

Yeah... I know this isn't really on pit road.. but Buckshot had to go there after this so it counts right???

I had to put another picture of this here... from a slightly differnt angle because I have a friend that laughs about how everyone that goes to the races always says.. "did you see driver x crash?? Well that was right in front of me"...(Yes Jtay this IS for you)He has went to SEVERAL races and set in different seats all over the track and has never had a wreck happen right in front of him...(awwwwwwwww).. Well this proves it can happen RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!!! LOL.